Meeting commenced at 11.32 am
Present: Robert McLachlan (Massey), Sherry Tseng (Otago), Charlie Potter (Admin; Massey), Simon McCallum (Victoria), Bronwyn Hayward (Canterbury), Tim Ryley (Griffith), Lin Roberts (Lincoln), David Hall (AUT), Quentin Atkinson (Auckland)
Robert McLachlan deputized as Chair in Sal Lampkin’s absence.
Apologies: Sal Lampkin (Chair; Massey), James Higham (Otago), Brendan Moyle (Massey), Susanne Becken (Griffith), Jan Evans-Freeman (Canterbury), Sylvia Nissen (Lincoln), Lynda Johnston (Waikato)
Conference Hubs
Covid has restricted further work on this by members, and there is an ongoing interest in supporting the development of this idea in New Zealand. It was agreed that a standard way of New Zealand-wide connection with overseas conferences is needed. This has already been done successfully by a few government departments and, as previously discussed, it is unlikely that the tertiary sector will lead this.
The item will remain on the agenda with further discussion at the next meeting.
Overseas Air Travel Policy Guidelines
A first draft of the Consortium IAT guidelines was discussed along with the need to identify which points should be recommendations and which should be essential. Some members outlined work to date at their respective institution. The Consortium discussed the importance of consultation with academic staff and sustainability steering groups, what is meant by staff being “disadvantaged” by IAT restrictions, and the need for consistent decision-making across faculties.
The Consortium discussed carbon budgets, including incentivising travel reduction, transparency around funding reallocation and the importance of equity considerations. It was noted that virtual conferences can provide greater accessibility globally.
Members were notified that the Air Travel Related Work Activities of Member Universities document has been updated, including Griffith University.
The possibility of addressing IAT at a political level was discussed, and a letter to all Parties will be drafted for discussion at the next meeting.
Date of next meeting
Monday 1 August, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Meeting closed at 12:20pm