Meeting commenced at 10:04am
Present: Jan Evans-Freeman (Canterbury), Gillian Lewis (Auckland), Robert McLachlan (Massey), Sal Lampkin (Massey), Lin Roberts (Lincoln), Sherry Tseng (Otago), Simon McCallum (Victoria), Charlie Potter (Administrator, Massey), James Higham (Otago), Brendan Moyle (Massey)
Apologies: Christina Hanna (Waikato), Sylvia Nissen (Lincoln)
The consortium welcomed Dr Brendan Moyle, Senior Lecturer from the School of Economics and Finance at Massey University.
It was noted that the previous minutes from the 6 September meeting were found to be a true and accurate recording of 5 October. It was agreed that future minutes would be approved and available on the website (once live) within 3 weeks after each meeting. Minutes from previous meetings will also be uploaded once the website is live.
Sal Lampkin was nominated and seconded as Chair until the position is reviewed in April 2022 along with the Terms of Reference.
NZUATC Website Development
The group was shown the new WordPress draft website. It was agreed that the website remains as a draft until the consortium has had a chance to feedback and give suggestions and that all consortium members would be given access to view and edit the site.
International Conferences
The consortium continued the discussion around the need for domestic hotel hubs for international conferences. It was noted that it would be beneficial for academics in New Zealand in lieu of travelling overseas, as well as academics in New Zealand wanting to host conferences for an international audience. The consortium agreed that this type of arrangement would also be of interest to other sectors outside of tertiary education. It was decided that the role of NZUATC is to continue discussing this concept with other interested parties, rather than problem-solving the operational aspects.
Massey IAT Work
Massey University updated the consortium on their working group’s research around reimagining Massey’s international air travel, with an outline of iterative co-creative projects.
This included:
- key purposes for travel
- the challenge of measuring outputs
- opportunities for changes such as longer, less frequent multipurpose trips, greater flexibility, approval process, and the need for the conference attendance model to be revamped globally
Consortium 2022 Outputs
The consortium discussed the potential outputs for 2022.
These included:
- Website development
- Developing relationships with key stakeholders
- Discussing possibility of using Massey insights across the wider consortium
- Proposal to hold an online conference in the second half of 2022
Meetings for 2022 will take place every other month, beginning Tues 8 February.
Meeting closed at 10:59am